Mann Oil Filter – HU6004X


MANN Filters are designed for today’s modern high performance engine oils. Oil filters play an important part of protecting your engine. Working in conjunction with the oil it continually cleans your oil as it passes through your engine, retaining and holding the tiny particles which break off your engine during normal wear and tear.

This oil filter will fit certain diesel models of the BMW 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,X1,X3,X4 and X5 ranges.  It also fits some diesel models of the BMW Mini Cooper range.Please see the “Which vehicle does this fit?” tab for further information.

If you are in any doubt if this filter is suitable for your car then please contact us

Alternatively you can use the MANN Filter online catalog to check which filter you need.



Availability: In stock SKU: MAN_HU6004X


Mann Oil Filter – HU6004X

MANN Filters are designed for today’s modern high performance engine oils. Oil filters play an important part of protecting your engine. Working in conjunction with the oil it continually cleans your oil as it passes through your engine, retaining and holding the tiny particles which break off your engine during normal wear and tear.

This oil filter will fit certain diesel models of the BMW 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,X1,X3,X4 and X5 ranges.  It also fits some diesel models of the BMW Mini Cooper range.Please see the “Which vehicle does this fit?” tab for further information.

If you are in any doubt if this filter is suitable for your car then please contact us

Alternatively you can use the MANN Filter online catalog to check which filter you need.

Why change your oil filter?

Oil filters play an important part of protecting your engine. Working in conjunction with the oil it continually cleans your oil as it passes through your engine, retaining and holding the tiny particles which break off your engine during normal wear and tear. A build up of solid particles such as dust, abraded metal, carbon deposits and soot particles can cause major damage to the engine. It is important to choose a high quality filter as the internal construction and its ability to retain and hold particles can have a significant effect on the performance of your engine.

Why chose MANN Filters?

MANN oil filters are designed for modern high-performance oils and are known for high quality and high delivery capability. With MANN-FILTER, you get original equipment quality every time. To make sure it stays that way, MANN undergo regular certification audits by an independent institute. These comply with the global standard TS 16949.

Our Filter Fits Guarantee

All of our filters come with a Filter Fits Guarantee. If it does not fit your car we will send a replacement or refund the money free of charge. For more information please click here

Mann Filter

Additional information

Weight 0.7 kg

MANN Filter


Oil Filter



Diameter mm (A) 54
Inner Diameter mm (B) 18
Inner Diameter mm (C) 18
Diameter mm (D) 53
Height mm (H) 134


  • BMW
    • 114D F20; 114D F21 1598cc Diesel 70kW 95hp(N47D16A Engine) From 10/12,
    • 116D F20/F21 1995cc Diesel 85kW 116hp(N47D20C, N47D16A Engine) From 09/11,
    • 118D F20/F21 1995cc Diesel 105kW 143hp(N47D20C Engine) From 09/11,
    • 120D F20/F21 1995cc Diesel 120kW 163hp(N47D20C Engine) From 09/11,
    • 120D F20/F21 1995cc Diesel 135kW 184hp(N47D20C Engine) From 09/11,
    • 125D F20/F21 1995cc Diesel 155kW 211hp(N47D20D Engine) From 03/12,
    • 125D F20/F21 1995cc Diesel 160kW 218hp(N47D20D Engine) From 03/12,
    • 218D F22 1995cc Diesel 105kW 143hp(N47D20C Engine) From 02/14,
    • 220D F22; F23 1995cc Diesel 135kW 184hp(N47D20C Engine) From 02/14,
    • 225D F22 1995cc Diesel 160kW 218hp(N47D20D Engine) From 02/14,
    • 316D E90 1995cc Diesel 85kW 116hp(N47 D20A/C Engine) From 09/09,
    • 316D F30; F31 1995cc Diesel 85kW 116hp(N47D20C, B47D20A Engine) From 03/12,
    • 318D E90/E91 1995cc Diesel 105kW 143hp(N47 D20A/C Engine) From 09/07,
    • 318D F30; F31 1995cc Diesel 105kW 143hp(N47D20C Engine) From 03/12,
    • 318D Gran Tourismo F34 1995cc Diesel 105kW 143hp(N47D20C Engine) From 05/13, 320D E90;
    • 320D E91 1995cc Diesel 120kW 163hp(M47 D20, N47 D20A, N47 D20C Engine) From 03/05,
    • 320D E90; 320D E91; 320D E92; 320D E93 1995cc Diesel 135kW 184hp(N47 D20C Engine) From 03/10,
    • 320D E90; 320D E91; 320D E92; 320D E93 1995cc Efficient Dynamics Diesel 120kW 163hp(N47 D20C Engine) From 03/10,
    • 320D ED F30; 320D ED F31 1995cc Diesel 120kW 163hp(N47D20C Engine) From 10/11,
    • 320D F30; 320D F31 1995cc Diesel 135kW 184hp(N47D20C Engine) From 10/11,
    • 320D Gran Tourismo F34 1995cc Diesel 135kW 184hp(N47D20C Engine) From 05/13,
    • 325D F30; F31 1995cc Diesel 160kW 218hp(N47D20D Engine) From 03/13,
    • 325D Gran Tourismo F34 1995cc Diesel 160kW 218hp(N47D20D Engine) From 05/13,
    • 328D F30; F31 1995cc Diesel 132kW 180hp(N47D20C Engine) From 02/13,
    • 330D F30; F31 2993cc Diesel 190kW 258hp(N57D30A Engine) From 07/12,
    • 330D Gran Tourismo F34 2993cc Diesel 190kW 258hp(N57D30A Engine) From 01/14,
    • 335 dX Gran Tourismo F34 2993cc Diesel 230kW 313hp(N57D30B Engine) From 01/14,
    • 335DX F30; F31 2993cc Diesel 230kW 313hp(N57D30B Engine) From 07/13,
    • 418D F36 1995cc Diesel 100kW 136hp(N47D20C, B47D20A Engine) From 03/14,
    • 418D F36 1995cc Diesel 105kW 143hp(N47D20C Engine) From 03/14,
    • 420D F32/F33/F36 1995cc Diesel 120kW 163hp(N47D20C, B47D20A Engine) From 07/13,
    • 420D F32/F33/F36 1995cc Diesel 135kW 184hp(N47D20C Engine) From 07/13,
    • 425D F32 1995cc Diesel 160kW 218hp(N47D20D Engine) From 01/14,
    • 430D F32 2993cc Diesel 190kW 258hp(N57D30A Engine) From 10/13,
    • 435D F32 2993cc Diesel 230kW 313hp(N57D30B Engine) From 10/13, 5 (F10/F11/F18) 518D F10/F11 1995cc Diesel 100kW 136hp(N47 D20C, B47 D20 A Engine) From 06/13, 5 (F10/F11/F18)
    • 518D F10/F11 1995cc Diesel 105kW 143hp(N47 D20C Engine) From 06/13, 5 (F10/F11/F18)
    • 520D F10/F11 1995cc Diesel 120kW 163hp(N47 D20C, B47 D20 A Engine) From 05/10, 5 (F10/F11/F18)
    • 520D F10/F11 1995cc Diesel 135kW 184hp(N47 D20C Engine) From 06/10, 5 (F10/F11/F18)
    • 525D 2.0 F10/F11 1995cc Diesel 155kW 211hp(N47 D20D, B47 D20 A Engine) From 09/11, 5 (F10/F11/F18)
    • 525D 2.0 F10/F11 1995cc Diesel 160kW 218hp(N47 D20D Engine) From 09/11, 5 (F10/F11/F18)
    • 530D F10/F11 2993cc Diesel 190kW 258hp(N57 D30A Engine) From 09/11, 5 (F10/F11/F18)
    • 535D F10/F11 2993cc Diesel 230kW 313hp(N57 D30B Engine) From 09/11, 5 GT (F07GT)
    • 520D F07GT 1995cc Diesel 120kW 163hp(N47 D20 C Engine) From 03/10, 5 GT (F07GT)
    • 520D F07GT 1995cc Diesel 135kW 184hp(N47 D20 C Engine) From 07/12, 5 GT (F07GT)
    • 530D F07GT 2993cc Diesel 190kW 258hp(N57 D30A Engine) From 06/12, 5 GT (F07GT)
    • 535D F07GT 2993cc Diesel 230kW 313hp(N57 D30B Engine) From 06/12, 6 (F12/F13)
    • 640D F12/F13 2993cc Diesel 230kW 313hp(N57D30B Engine) From 09/11,
    • 6 Gran Coupe (F06 GC) 640D F06 GC 2993cc Diesel 230kW 313hp(N57D30B Engine) From 05/12,
    • 7 (F01/F02/F03/F04) 730D F01/F02 2993cc Diesel 190kW 258hp(N57 D30A Engine) From 08/12, 7 (F01/F02/F03/F04)
    • 740D F01; F02 2993cc Diesel 230kW 313hp(N57 D30B Engine) From 08/12, D3 (E90/E91/E92) 2.0D Biturbo E90/E91/E92 1995cc Diesel 157kW 214hp(N47 D20A/C Engine) From 04/08, D3 (F30/F31) 3.0 Biturbo F30; F31 2993cc Diesel 257kW 350hp(N57D30B Engine) From 03/14, D4 (F32/F33) 3.0 Biturbo 2993cc Diesel 257kW 349hp From 09/14, D5 (F10/F11) D5 BITURBO F10/F11 2993cc Diesel 257kW 350hp(N57 D30B Engine) From 10/11, X1 (E84) 16D E84 1995cc Diesel 85kW 116hp(N47 D20C Engine) From 05/12,
    • X1 (E84) 18 d/dX E84 1995cc Diesel 105kW 143hp(N47 D20C Engine) From 12/09,
    • X1 (E84) 20 d/dX E84 1995cc Diesel 135kW 184hp(N47 D20C Engine) From 07/12, X1 (E84) 20 d/dX ed E84 1995cc Diesel 120kW 163hp(N47 D20C Engine) From 03/10, X1 (E84) 25 dX E84 1995cc Diesel 160kW 218hp(N47 D20D Engine) From 05/12, X3 (F25) 18D F25 1995cc Diesel 105kW 143hp(N47 D20C Engine) From 10/12, X3 (F25) 20 dX F25 1995cc Diesel 120kW 163hp(N47 D20C Engine) From 11/10,
    • X3 (F25) 20 dX F25 1995cc Diesel 135kW 184hp(N47 D20C Engine) From 11/10,
    • X3 (F25) 30 dX F25 2993cc Diesel 190kW 258hp(N57 D30A Engine) From 04/11,
    • X3 (F25) 35 dX F25 2993cc Diesel 230kW 313hp(N57 D30B Engine) From 10/11,
    • X4 (F26) 30 dX F26 2993cc Diesel 190kW 258hp(N57 D30A Engine) From 04/14,
    • X4 (F26) 35 dX F26 2993cc Diesel 230kW 313hp(N57 D30B Engine) From 04/14,
    • X5 (F15; F85) 25d F15 1995cc Diesel 160kW 218hp(N47D20D Engine) From 10/13,
    • X5 (F15; F85) 30d F15 2993cc Diesel 190kW 258hp(N57D30A Engine) From 10/13,
    • X5 (F15; F85) 40d F15 2993cc Diesel 230kW 313hp(N57D30B Engine) From 10/13,
    • X6 (F16; F86) 30D F16 2993cc Diesel 190kW 258hp(N57D30A Engine) From 09/14,
    • X6 (F16; F86) 40D F16 2993cc Diesel 230kW 313hp(N57D30B Engine) From 09/14,
    • XD3 (F25) 3.0 BITURBO F25 2993cc Diesel 257kW 350hp(N57 D30B Engine) From 03/13,
  • Mini
    • Mini Cooper II; Cabrio;Coupe; Club/Country/Paceman; Roadster 1.6 Diesel R55; R56; R57; R60; R61 1598cc Diesel 82kW 112hp(N47C16A Engine) From 09/10,
    • Mini Cooper II; Cabrio;Coupe; Club/Country/Paceman;Roadster 2.0 SD Diesel R55; R56; R57; R58; R59; R60 1995cc Diesel 100kW 136hp(N47C20A Engine) From 03/11,
    • Mini Cooper II; Cabrio;Coupe; Club/Country/Paceman; Roadster 2.0 SD Diesel R55; R56; R57; R58; R59; R60; R61 1995cc Diesel 105kW 143hp(N47C20A Engine) From 03/11,
    • Mini Cooper II; Cabrio;Coupe; Club/Country/Paceman; Roadster 2.0D Diesel R55; R56; R57; R60; R61 1995cc Diesel 82kW 112hp(N47C20A Engine) From 03/11, Mini One II; Cabrio; Clubman; Countryman 1.6 Diesel R55; R56; R60 1598cc Diesel 66kW 90hp(N47C16A Engine) From 09/10, Mini One II; Cabrio; Clubman; Countryman 2.0 Diesel R56; R60 1995cc Diesel 105kW 143hp(N47D20C Engine) From 03/11,